
10、Get Dad.mp4
11、Up You Go.mp4
12、I see.mp4
13、The Headache.mp4
14、At the Park.mp4
15、Fancy Dress.mp4
17、Good Old Mum.mp4
18、The Pet Shop.mp4
19、What a Mess.mp4
1、Who is it_ev.mp4
20、Making Faces.mp4
21、The Journey.mp4
23、Who Did That.mp4
25、Hide and Seek.mp4
26、Look at Me.mp4
27、Go Away, Floppy.mp4
28、Reds and Blues.mp4
29、Big Feet.mp4
2、Floppy, Floppy_ev.mp4
30、Kipper’s Diary.mp4
31、What Dogs Like.mp4
32、Presents for Dad.mp4
33、Top Dog.mp4
34、Look After Me.mp4
35、Go On, Mum!.mp4
36、Go Away, Cat.mp4
37、The Sandcastle.mp4
38、Floppy’s Bone.mp4
39、The Box of Treasure.mp4
3、Six in a Bed_ev.mp4
40、Hook a Duck.mp4
41、Chip’s Robot.mp4
42、One Wheel.mp4
43、The Ice Cream.mp4
44、Can You See Me_ev.mp4
45、Good Dog_ev.mp4
46、What a DIN!_ev.mp4
47、See Me Skip_ev.mp4
48、The Mud Pie_ev.mp4
4、A Good Trick_ev.mp4
5、Fun at the Beach_ev.mp4
6、The Pancake.mp4
7、Is It.mp4
8、Get On.mp4
9、Floppy Did This.mp4
10、Up and Down.mp4
11、The Little Dragon.mp4
12、The Band.mp4
13、The Big Egg.mp4
14、Poor Floppy.mp4
15、Put It Back.mp4
16、In a Bit.mp4
17、A Present for Mum.mp4
18、The Hole in the Sand.mp4
19、The Toys’ Party.mp4
1、Monkey Tricks_ev.mp4
20、New Trainers.mp4
21、A New Dog.mp4
22、What a Bad Dog.mp4
23、The Go-kart.mp4
24、The Dream.mp4
25、Floppy’s Bath.mp4
26、The Baby-sitter.mp4
27、The Water Fight.mp4
28、Kipper’s Balloon.mp4
2、Hey Presto!_ev.mp4
30、Kipper’s Birthday.mp4
31、Kipper’s Laces.mp4
32、The Wobbly Tooth_ev.mp4
33、The Foggy Day_ev.mp4
34、Biff’s Aeroplane_ev.mp4
35、Floppy the Hero_ev.mp4
36、The Chase_ev.mp4
3、It’s the Weather_ev.mp4
4、Naughty Children_ev.mp4
5、A Sinking Feeling_ev.mp4
7、What Is IT.mp4
8、New Trees.mp4
9、The Lost Puppy.mp4
10、A Cat in the Tree.mp4
11、The Rope Swing.mp4
12、By the Stream.mp4
13、Kipper the Clown.mp4
14、Strawberry Jam.mp4
15、The Jumble Sale.mp4
16、At the Seaside.mp4
17、Kipper’s Idea.mp4
18、The Snowman.mp4
19、The Barbecue.mp4
1、The Duck Race_ev.mp4
20、The Carnival_ev.mp4
21、At the Pool_ev.mp4
23、Book Week_ev.mp4
24、The Cold Day_ev.mp4
3、Pond Dipping_ev.mp4
4、The Ice Rink_ev.mp4
5、The Mud Bath_ev.mp4
6、The Steel Band.mp4
7、On the Sand.mp4
8、The Egg Hunt.mp4
9、Nobody Wanted to Play.mp4

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